Friday, December 17, 2010

"Aboriginal grad rates present a challenge"

When someone hears that a native drops out, it comes to no surprise to them. The difference between the enrollment in high school and ones who graduate is a large difference. The last graduation class in Squamish consisted of 35 graduates out of 47. This seems as a success rate, sadly. In previous years the graduates have been 11 our of 35, and the year before that 9 out of 20. Many aboriginal students drop about in or after grade 10. In 2007-2008 93 students entered great 10 but only 66 continued to grade 11.  People blame the past residential school experiences. "Aboriginal parents are sometimes not educated themselves and they can lack parenting skills because they were raised in residential schools, not by their own parents." It seems that people are trying to understand why this drop out rate is a common occurring, but it seem to me that they are only trying to find an excuse. "There is young pregnancy, and there are drugs and alcohol which lead to suspensions and sometimes, these students just don't come back". The is a more liable reason for such drop outs. There is a stereo type for first nation teenagers, "chugs", that consists of the things listed in the quote. Most known as alcoholics, teen parents, or for constant drug use. For children growing up on "the rez," they get this image that everything thinks they are scary. The fact that everyone thinks these things, this teenagers just think of it as an excuse to be lazy and not care about the future. To keep that stereo type alive. Dalious McCullough from Squamish Nation, is not one of these students. She successfully graduated from highschool and is enrolled for an undergraduate degree at UVIC. Her mother quoted "I provided a home that was drug and alcohol free and i told my daughter that education is an investment you are making for yourself. I think she understood that." The right parenting has all the difference, no matter what race you. I believe that a lot of the native community is in one word, lazy. This situation has definitely gotten better, but needs a lot of improvement.

Sited at
"Aboriginal grad rates present a challenge"
By The Squamish Reporter

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