Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sitting on a Story

1) I chose a bench that sits just outside Hendry Hall Theatre. Which is located on the  corner of 11th street and Hendry street. This bench is both close to home, as well as school. I chose this bench because it is dedicated to my opa, William "Bill" Kessel. He is my father's father. This bench was dedicated to him in June of 2002, due to his hard work and efforts to keep the grounds looking presentable to the public. He spent many hours volunteering at Hendry Hall Theatre all year round. The public and people apart of Hendry Hall greatly appreciated his work, and made the decision to show they're appreciation by making a bench for him. When he passed away in February of 2006, the bench will help people remember him and all his dedication to his community. It is a simple wooden bench with black side arms, legs and back. There is a design of what seems to be birds, flowers, leave, and what appear to be baby angels. The oak wood has faded throughout the years, and the black painted cast iron is also fading, with spots of grey. There are the random spots of bird droppings, but other then that it seems to be well kept. Bolted onto the top right corner of this bench there is engraved plaque recites 
"In Recognition of the 
Services to N.V.C.P. By
 Bill Kessel
 June 2002".

2) While sitting on this bench, directly across from me is the building, Hendry Hall Theatre. There are buses and trees surrounding three sides of the bench. Which i might add, do not look as nice as when my grandfather too care of the grounds here. There is also an open parking lot in front of me, that at the moment is empty. The day is full of clouds with the sun peaking through is spots. It is a nice calm day, and I see cars drive by occasionally. It feels good to be sitting here. I am very relaxed and just reflecting on the present and past. I enjoy the crisp air, and being able to just think. Being here reminds me of when my opa brought me to the many performances that were put on for young children and their families. We would come once or twice a year, I always enjoyed coming to the plays because they would include the audience. I like the familiar feeling, looking back at when things were simple and everything just seemed so big and mysterious. I also feel kind of odd just sitting here on the bench and wondering what other people are thinking of my actions as they walk or drive by. To be completely honest, because this bench is somewhat hidden, not exactly a normal place to sit just enjoy nature or the day. I want and hope that when people will look and see this bench, and either remember my grandpa for who his or what kind of effect he had on the community. Or that if someone sees they sit and think about what kind of person he was, or ask who he is. 

3) If someone were to dedicate a bench to me at this time or soon, I would like it to be some where near one of my homes. There is my literal home or house, that I have lived in my whole life. Then there is my “rez house” that is on the Capilano Indian Reservation. The house I currently live in has a beautiful view of the city and the bridge, surrounded by houses and various trees. My whole life I have lived in this location, full of memories, meeting new friends, making mistakes, etc. It would be nice to have a memory there of me. I think it would be a much nice spot, but I think I would much rather have it at the reservation. This is where I feel I truly grew up. Me and my grandpa, my mothers’ father, were best friends and this is where he lived. This is where most of my childhood memories belong. I met my life long friends at my old preschool on this reservation. I think that is where I would like to have my bench, somewhere on our old preschool grounds. Even after graduating this is where my friends and I would hang out and just enjoy our day. Now that the preschool isn’t located there anymore I think it would be a nice memory to have my bench there for all my friends. Another nice spot on the reservation, I think would be along the river. A late cousin of my has a bench there, and it is a beautiful spot. There are always many people along there, fishing, picnicking, doing whatever they like. All in all, it doesn’t matter the location of my bench, it’s would make me happy that friends or family would even think to donate a bench to me. That’s what truly makes me happy, not where it is. I’m not exactly sure what I would want to the inscription to say though. I think I’d like to have a quote though, or something meaningful to my friends and family. An example of a quote I’d like would be, “live as if your were to die tomorrow, and learn as if you were to live forever.“ This would suit well, considering if something to happen to me or even die, the reason this bench is being dedicated. You never know how long your live, or how soon you’ll die, so you might as well make the most of what you have, and also try to learn as much as you can.

4) If I were to dedicate a bench, I would have to be to a friend or family member that has been a huge influence on my life. From the top of my head I do not know who I would dedicate a bench to. Until I know that, the location is indefinite. It would have to definitely be somewhere that was important to both my friend and I, somewhere where we shared a special moment, our goofiest moments, or just somewhere that we to blow off steam. It doesn’t have to be the most beautiful place, though that may be a bonus. I think the place the takes the most thought and somewhere I will feel the happiest about my decision. With my closest friends, I have many different inside jokes with each and everyone of them. For the inscription, it would have to do with an inside joke, or a quote that we both loved and/or lived by. If I couldn’t think of anything appropriate to say, I would go with a simple quote, such as “live, love, laugh” or the same comment as the one I used above. If I were dedicating the bench because of a death, I do not want to put, “you will be missed,” I don’t want to remind myself and other of their death, but of their life or how they lived. Focus on the good, and not on the sad, because I know that’s what they would want. After all laughter is the best medicine. I want to dedicate a bench that makes people laugh or at least smile when they walk by it, or sit upon it. 

5) The morning before school one day, I was discussing my bench project with my sister, Sydney, and my mother and trying to decide where and what bench I would like to do my project on. When all of sudden my sister reminded me about the bench that has been dedicated to my opa, for eight and half years at Hendry Hall Theatre. I thought this was the perfect bench to do, because it is both personal and interesting. Especially since the anniversary of his death is coming up, so I thought it felt appropriate.
Conveniently, the bench is halfway between school and my house. So, I packed my things from my locker, and began my walk to Hendry Hall Theatre. From Sutherland, it is about a 15 minute walk. To get there I have to walk to the end of 18th and turn down William, as I get to the end of William I must turn right, onto 14th then soon change the direction left to start walking down Hendry. During this time, it is mostly cloudy with the sun shining through in spots. This whole I hope that it will not rain as I sit on my chosen bench. As I enter the parking lot at Hendry Hall Theatre, I find it empty and clear. The bench is located to the left, to front side of the theatre. As I approached it, I saw the engraved inscription saying “In Recognition of the Services to N.V.C.P. by Bill Kessel June 2002”. At first this surprised me because I thought the bench had been put there after he had past away in February of 2006. This made me think he really was a great influence in his community. Usually when someone dedicates a bench it is after dead, for some reason. As if they need an object to remember the person and remind them of what they’ve done, but since this was made for him years in advance, it really goes to show that he was appreciated, and they wanted to show him they’re appreciation, not just the community living around him. 

6) I chose the poem “Grandpa told me so” by Kenny Chesney because as I sit on the bench it makes me look back at my opa, and this poem does the same thing. My opa was very influential in my life and I listened to what he said. I did so, first of all because he is my grandfather and also he always seem to be doing the right things at the right times. He was not only this kind of influence on me, but on everyone else around him. 

If you don't get in the water you're never gonna learn to swim
He said a snake is just as scared of you as you are of him
He could tell by the moon when the fish would bite
Seems there was nothing that he didn't know
And as a kid I believed 'cause Grandpa told me so

He talked Daddy into letting me have my first car
I thought I was really something 'til Becky Thompson broke my heart
That first taste of love nearly did me in
Getting over her slow
And I knew someday I would 'cause Grandpa told me so

He said life is made for you to live
The best love is the love that you give
There'll be times when you wanna hold on but you gotta let go
And I live by those words 'cause Grandpa told me so

I promissed him I wouldn't cry when it was his time to leave
That's the only promise I made him I couldn't keep
He smiled from his bed and said we'll meet again
Somewhere down the road
And I believe 'cause Grandpa told me so

He said life is made for you to live
The best love is the love that you give
There'll be times when you wanna hold on but you gotta let go
And I live by those words 'cause Grandpa told me so

He said life is made for you to live
The best love is the love that you give
There'll be times when you wanna hold on but you gotta let go
And I live by those words 'cause Grandpa told me so

Yeah and I still believe
Grandpa told me so
Grandpa told me so
I still believe
Grandpa told me so
I still believe

7) I don’t just have one philosophy of life, I don’t believe there can just be one. This poem talks about facing your fear, or that you shouldn’t even be afraid of those fears. The third stanza explains a lot of what I believe. “Life is made for you to live”, this is probably my favourite line. You never know how your life is going to turn out, or when it will ever end. So why not live the way you want, take control of it. To the aboriginal people elders are a large portion of their culture. There is the saying “respect your elders”, which I follow. This poem continues to saying “’cause Grandpa told me so”, which follows the respect for elders idea. “He smiled form his bed and said we’ll meet again,” I also believe that life doesn’t end after you die. I don’t know if there is a heaven, hell, but I believe there is a form of after life. In my personal opinion life isn’t about who has the best job, the most wild experiences, or just best anything. I think you live through your mind. Everything you do, effects your thoughts and ideas. A experience could effect people in different ways, I believe that you’re living if you are seeing the world in your own way. All that happens in your past influences your future. Some people say let go, and forget the past. I think this poem is helping say learn to let go but don’t forget it. Let go of the loss, but gain from the positive experiences. This is a way I like to live. 

8) There are various and different purposes to a park, it all depends on a person. For young children it’s freedom and a way for their minds to go where ever they like. Meaning they can pretend they’re on a boat, in a castle or on some epic adventure. To parents its somewhere where they can let there kids get rid off all the energy. To anyone it could be a meeting place, an escape, somewhere to read, run, play sports, walk their dogs. Not only are their different purposes to a park, but there are also different types of parks. A park varies from a playground, to a large grass area or even tourist attractions, such as Stanley Park, in Vancouver BC, or Central Park, in NYC. The purpose of a park is to entertain make families happy, and enjoy what ever experiences that they may attend the park for. Parks are not always fun and games though. They lead to injuries, if not careful. There are many tears that are dropped at a park. Whether it be a child to whole climb to high or too scared to go down the slide, or another child bugging or stealing your swing. Parks provide life experiences from being a toddler till your old age.
 The Bench in the Park
Sits in its Place
Standing superior with dignity and grace
Everyone sits on the bench, for a little rest
The bench is old but full of life
Full of stories, sometimes the best
As the bench in the park gets a certain glow one can dectect
nothing could be as grand as the Bench in your respect.

G rade school is over!
R each for the stars
A lways believe in yourself
D ream on
U nderstanding new things
A chieve your goals
T ake your memories everywhere you go
O penly embrace everything life throws at you
N ever forget your time here

Friday, December 17, 2010

"More gay and bisexual teens expelled and jailed"

A lot younger people in our communities today are now announcing and living openly gay, bisexual, or as a lesbian. This sounds like an improvement, but there are still many people that judge these kinds of people and are not accepting. Teenagers a bound to get in trouble at one point or another but those who have "a history of homosexual feelings or relaionships were between 30 and 50 percent more likely to be stopped by the police". About 4 percent would be convicted of crimes as adults. And these homosexual students were more likey to be expeled from school. Parents cannot do much for their homosexual teens, other then standing up for them. Just becuse of these teens sexual preferences they "suffer family violence or are harassed by their peers". A lot of this result in depression, commit suicide or even become homeless. Some of thse teens may feel to carry protection, such as small weapons. Our world is harsh and full of judgemental people who believe that people should act a certain way. People can't help, who or what they like. It just comes naturally, sure they may be consequences but they choose to be truthful with themselves and other. People say honesty is the best policy, but when some is honest about their sexual orientation they are constantly abused, boht mentally and physically. These teens don't deserve this kind of harrassment. Society needs to move on from this perfect kind of image, and realise people need to be individuals and take it as a good way.

Cited at The Province :
"More gay and bisexual teens expelled and jailed"
By Alion McCook

"Does lunch in front of a computer make us eat more?"

Society has turned into a multi-tasking world. Meaning many of us are eating infront of the television and/or the computer. Doesn't sound bad right, wrong. It is believed that if you eat with such distractions in front and around you, you tend to eat more then you need. "In a lab study of 44 men and women, researchers found that tose who ate lunch while playing a computer game ended up eating more cookies 30 minutes later than those who'd had their lunch with no distractions". Some reason may be because the brain has a "fuzzy" memory of what was had for lunch, compared to the group without any distractions. More food is consumed due to "poor memory". The group that was playing games on the computer could not remember the order in which their meals were served. When the other no distracted group could tell just fine. It seems that people are more focused on whats happening on the televion or computer rather then what their stomach is trying to tell them that they are full. I've never really thought about this theory, but now that it has been brought to my attention, it makes a lot of sense. I am one of those "multi-taskers" that eats infront of the TV or the computer, and i never really seem to be full. I am always snacking. I am not sure if it has to do with this study or just my personal appetite but it seems to make a lot of sense.

Cited at The Province :
"Does lunch in front of a computer make us eat more?"
By Amy Norton

"Immigrant who didn't tell sex partners he had HIV going to jail, then deported"

Clato Mabio is an HIV positive immigrant who has given a prison sentence of 10 more months in jail, and will be deported back to Sudan, Africa. He failed to notified two female sexual partner of his illness, now they are at "significant risk". "Mabior was originally convicted of sex couints of aggravated sexual assault and sentenced to 14 years in prison." This sentence has been reduces, as he has already spent three and a half years in custody. Mabior was originally arrested in early 2006 which included at public warning by the police and Winnipeg Regional Heath Authority. After this announcemen several young women came women. He migrated to Canada in 2000, since then he has lived in the cities of Calgray, Vancouver, Toronto and Londan. It seems  that the fact he was able to keep his "condition hidden during consensual relations does not automatically make him guilty of sexual assault", also that there was no evidence that the women were infected by Mabior. A 15-year-old girl, who says she was one of Mabior's partners, claims that Mabior "lured her from a temporary Child and Family Services "shelter" inside a downtown Winnipeg hotel with the promise of drugs and alcohol". She was 13 at the time. This goes to show that this man is sick. He doesnt notify any partners of having HIV and also he is having intercourse with young teenagers. This man is highly inappropriate and deserves a "one-way ticket back to Africa upon his release from custody". There's nothing you really can do to preven these kind of things happening, unless you test each immagrant for different diseases, but that would be likely to cost the government a lot money and time. Which doesnt seem worth it. We just have to rely on peoples honesty, if they choose to be.

Cited at CBC News :
"Immigrant who didn't tell sex partners he had HIV going to jail, then deported".

Raising prices for citizens, lowering for homeless?

Recent studies at the University of Victoria say that BC liquor stores should raised their prices but yet, give free alcohol to the homeless. At first glance this seems like a ridiculous idea, but they have come up with some promising points. By raising prices it limits "excess drinking among young people and heavy drinkers, but liquor should be given free to homeless drunks to manage their consumption". Underage and heavy drinkers both prefer to drink cheaper beers and spirits, quality is not much of an issue to them. If liquor stores raise their prices, there will be less purchases of alcohol, therefor leading to "having fewer people dying, fewer punch-ups and fewer people admitted to the hospital". Alcohol has been rated most harmful of 20 psychoactive drugs, then following behind by heroin and crack cocaine. This is a surprise, considering alcohol is the one legal to sell, purchase and consume. Saskatchewan had raised their prices previously and it has seem to shown a significant difference. It makes to raise the price of alcohol for many reason. It will just be unfortunate to customers down the road, but people are working towards a better living for everyone, even if it costs a few dollars more than prefered.

Sited at The Province:
"Make booze cheap for homeless, costly for everyone else: Study"
By Cindy E. Harnett

Drinking + Driving =Tticket

B.C.'s had no exceptions for drunk drivers on our communities. Changing the limit from 0.08 BAC to 0.05 BAC has had a huge effect on drivers. Not only that but not the penalties are worse. Between late September and early December police have given 110 tickets to people drinking under the influence of alcohol. 52 of these people were "drivers who blew a "fail" on the police roadside screening device." Their penalty was a 90-day driving ban, and their cars were impounded for 30 days, with fines over a thousand dollars. If you refused to blow in the screening device you are charged with the same consequences. 50 people who blew the "warn" range, vehicles were impounded and had a 3 day ban off the road. Before the penalties were if you blew more than .05 BAC you would get away with a 24 hour suspension of your license. Things have changed dramatically, but is it really for the better? Yes, more people will be more cautious about driving under the influence to avoida ticket, but i don't believe these penalties will stop people from driving. Really whats happen is that people are just paying more, and now there is a lot more work for the cops. Due to paper work and days in court. Do these new rules really benefit anyone?

"Former Sutherland teacher charged with sexual"

Victor Wiens, 63, was charged with sexual offences against a female student in October of 2010. Wiens is a former teacher that taught at Sutherland Secondary for five years. He was charged with "sexual assault, invitation to sexual touching and sexual exploitation against a teenaged girl." It is assumed that these incidents had occurred from December 2008 to July 2009.A school district employee "saw what they thougth was inappropriate touching between Wiens and a girl," during regular after school hours. One of these incidents were first reported on February 17, 2009. Wiens was placed on leave immediately, as police began to investigate. At this time there wasn't even evidence to charge him of anything. In September of 2010 new evidence of the case was found on the sex crimes. Charges were set on October 12th, 2010. He was released on bail under the conditions that he must have no contact with the alleged victim or the victims family, as well as anyone under the age of 18. A former student from Sutherland, Alex Fisher, spoke of Wiens' predicament as shocking. "Out of all the teacher there, I would never have expected Mr.Wiens to do something like this -- if it's true". I personally had Mr.Wiens as a teacher in grade 8, and i would never have thought of seeing Mr.Wiens doing what he is accused of. It goes to show that everyone has their faults and we all do makes mistake. When people thinking of pedophiles and teachers like this, they never think that it will happen in their own school. It is odd that not many peers noticed these things, it goes to show how oblivious people can be. If they don't want to believe in anything, they choose to ignore it.  

"Former Sutherland teacher charged with sexual assault"