Friday, December 17, 2010

Drinking + Driving =Tticket

B.C.'s had no exceptions for drunk drivers on our communities. Changing the limit from 0.08 BAC to 0.05 BAC has had a huge effect on drivers. Not only that but not the penalties are worse. Between late September and early December police have given 110 tickets to people drinking under the influence of alcohol. 52 of these people were "drivers who blew a "fail" on the police roadside screening device." Their penalty was a 90-day driving ban, and their cars were impounded for 30 days, with fines over a thousand dollars. If you refused to blow in the screening device you are charged with the same consequences. 50 people who blew the "warn" range, vehicles were impounded and had a 3 day ban off the road. Before the penalties were if you blew more than .05 BAC you would get away with a 24 hour suspension of your license. Things have changed dramatically, but is it really for the better? Yes, more people will be more cautious about driving under the influence to avoida ticket, but i don't believe these penalties will stop people from driving. Really whats happen is that people are just paying more, and now there is a lot more work for the cops. Due to paper work and days in court. Do these new rules really benefit anyone?

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