Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Madoff son found dead in NYC in apparent suicide"

Bernard and Mark Madoff
  In the morning of Saturday, December 11 2010, ``Mark Madoff, 46, was found hanging from a ceiling pipe in the living room of his Soho loft apartment``. Mark Madoff is the son of Bernard Madoff, a financier that was arrested  for a multi billion dollar Ponzi scheme. This was the biggest investment fraud in U.S. history. It has been said that Bernard Madoff had been scamming investors money for over two decades. In doing this Bernard had made a profit estimated to be about $20 million dollars. Mark Madoff and his brother Andrew Madoff were suspected to be apart of the Ponzi scheme. After Bernard`s arrest, there was a noticeable change in Mark`s behavior, ``you could see somthing sharted to happen physicall, and he wasn`t as talkative.`` It became a concern to his wife, Stephanie, that something was wrong. After recieving an email by her husband late Friday night, Mark, while in Disney World with their 4-year-old daughter, "that someone should check on their 2-year-old son"
Bernard Madoff tried to take the easy route by making billions from scamming investors. But in the end he had to pay the consequences and so did his family, and their families. It would be assumed that Bernard had given money to his sons and wife, or whoever else. They may have thought nothing of it, or Bernard would have a reason why he had the money. Because Mark had such great amounts of money, Police suspected him of spending tremendous amounts of money on homes in NYC, Nantucket and Connecticut with the fraud money. Bernard family should have seen what was going for years, but maybe they did not want to accept such a thing. In a way they were being benefited, but nothing comes for free. Bernard is playing his consequences by ``serving a 150-year old prison sentence in North Carolina``. His wife and children are forced to deal with the publicity, lawyers and humiliation Bernard has put on the family. The sons claim that they knew nothing of their fathers scheme, but it didn't stop people from trying to blame them. This must have gotten to Mark Madoff, and make him feel so depressed that he was willing to kill himself and leave his family behind on the two year anniversary of his father arrest on December 11.
 Sited off Yahoo! News :;_ylt=Agk5nVaUgmDyq19RDaZn54Cs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNkMGptanFoBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAxMjExL3VzX21hZG9mZl9zb24EY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwMxBHBvcwMzBHB0A2hvbWVfY29rZQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNmdWxsbmJzcHN0b3I-
"Madoff son found dead in NYC in apparent suicide"
By Colleen Long and Tom Hays, December 11 2010

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